It’s so difficult to find the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for a loved one. Luckily enough, there are some gifts a girl can never hate. Hint, Hint…It’s Jewellery of course! Almost all women love jewellery, making it the perfect Valentine’s Day gift. Ah…but now the question is what sort of jewellery makes the best gift? Not to worry my friend, here are 8 Valentine Jewellery ideas that she will absolutely love!
And don’t worry if you’re not ready to pop the question just yet – None of these Valentine Jewellery ideas includes engagement rings!
- Heart Necklace
The heart is a traditional symbol of love and every young lady loves a classic romance. Show your endless love with a beautiful and elegant heart necklace. To make this gift even more romantic, try looking for a heart locket necklace and place a picture of you and your loved one inside! Now that’s really sweet!
- Pearl Jewellery
Classy, sophisticated and pure – If that describes your girl then pearl jewellery is a must! And if her birthday is in June, then that’s a double win! Pearl is the birthstone for June babies, just for your knowledge! So show her how much you really know her, with a pair of classic pearl earrings that match her personality and birthday! Alternatively, pearl bracelets are completely on-trend these days, so you might want to invest in a royale-style pearl bracelet. And if you really want to spoil her, then get her a whole set, including a classy pearl necklace!
Word of warning, avoid buying those cheap tacky pearl jewellery pieces that you can buy for a tenner or less down the street. Just make sure your pearls are real if you really want to impress your lady!
- Luxury Watch
We know that everyone is on their phones these days – So why do you need a watch? Well… for starters, watches are a beautiful statement piece. Secondly, watches will never go out of fashion! Buy a luxury watch for your lady that suits her strong personality. If she’s that cute, gal next door, then go for a flowery design. Alternatively, if she’s a badass, rock chic, then get her a solid gold timepiece. And if she’s a superhero fan, get her a funky, cool superhero watch! Whatever her taste, show her how much you know her with a trendy luxury watch.
- Birthstone Jewellery
Birthstone jewellery is a double whammy! They make excellent birthday gifts, as well as sweet Valentine’s day, presents for your loved one. Not sure what birthstone is for your girl – Don’t worry this awesome birthstone guide tells you everything you need to know about birthstones! Whether that special someone is an April-born goddess or a February-born sweetheart – Get her something that will suit her style, personality and birthdate.
- Diamond Bracelet
Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, so we included them twice in our list of top Valentine jewellery ideas for her! Firstly a diamond bracelet is the ultimate valentine’s gift for any girl out there. So if you are really struggling to think of a sweet gift to get your loved one, go for the trusty diamond tennis bracelet. Every woman out there likes to think of themselves as royalty and queens in the eyes of their partners and this is your chance to prove it to them! Just make sure the bracelet is the right size!
- Diamonds Earrings
Whether your loved one loves jewellery or not, a pair of diamond earrings is guaranteed to dazzle them with delight. After all, a girl can never have too many diamond earrings! Plus, buying a pair of diamond earrings shows class, care and respect for your partner. Everything she’ll admire about you, especially after getting a gift like this! And if you really want to dazzle your loved one, check out these stunning diamond snake rings that represent power and eternal love!
- Engraved Bracelet
A personalised unique message goes a long way in a romantic relationship. Buying an engraved bracelet shows that you took time to plan out a lovely gift for your partner. The key to buying engraved gifts of jewellery is to engrave a unique message, that only your loved one could possibly understand. That means trying to avoid “I love you” or “Love you forever”. Instead, you can think about an inside joke or a nickname you call your loved one, to prove to her that you really do care about her!
- Unique Jewellery
Unique jewellery is jewellery so unique that your partner has never seen it anywhere! Now, this could refer to making handmade jewellery yourself or getting a specialist jewellery designer to create a bespoke piece (that’s if you have the money for it). Out of all the jewellery ideas on this list, this is the one your partner would least suspect. It is also a jewellery idea that shows the most thought and love towards your partner.
Whatever your girl is into, you can give it to her to wear. Does she love arts & crafts? Create her a bracelet with artsy charm pieces. Is she a football fan? Make her some earrings or a necklace in her favourite team’s colours! To make your jewellery even unique, include a personal message or her name – This way she’ll truly know that this piece of jewellery was made for her and no-one else!

The whole idea behind buying Valentine jewellery is that you are being thoughtful and that you care about her feelings – So don’t go buying something really outrageous that she’ll never ever wear! Keep your jewellery buying sweet and delicate, that way you have a smaller chance of failure. Take a look at this free jewellery buying guide for more ideas and guidance.
And one more thing – make sure the jewellery is presented in a nice, neat jewellery box or gift box. This makes it look like you really thought about the gift and put a lot of attention into buying something she would love!
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